
85877 North Bank Lane Coquille, Oregon 97423
Just 5 miles off Hwy 101 near Bandon




Fine Timed specializes in the repair of your fine antique clocks and watches. John Boatman has been in business for 30 years and holds a degree in mechanical engineering.   His team of certified repairmen can repair, replace or manufacture those hard to find clock and watch parts or pieces, including antique and vintage timepieces.

Estimates - You pay shipping, insurance & handling both ways. Visual Inspection without dismantling is free. Dismantled full inspection is $25.00, to be credited if repair work is approved.

Clean & Service

Clean & Service

Time Only $55
Time & Strike $85
Time & Chime $125
With Alarm +$10
With Balance Bridge +$20
With Spring Barrels - 5$ per barrel
Complicated clocks - calendar, Grand Sonnerie, etc. - Quote Only.
All Parts Extra
Case Restoration and Parts Manufacture       $40 per hour
Regular Wind $40
Auto Wind $45
Day/Date $50
New Pocket Watch $50
Old Pocket Watch $80
Balance Staff $40
Main Spring $40
Hi Grade, Accutrons, Rolex etc. is
Estimate only.
Crystals, Jewels, Stems and Crowns are Estimate only.
Case restoration & parts extra.
If we find any extra repairs are needed during the overhaul, you will be notified and approval requested.

Shipping through Mailboxes ETC. is preferred
 to ensure proper packaging. 
Ship U.S. Mail, Fed Express or UPS to:

 85877 North Bank Lane Coquille, Oregon 97423

We can be reached for any additional information by calling
541-347-2234 or fill out the contact form.